Welcome Vendors!
We’re so glad you’re interested in joining the Bend Farmers Market Community!
Information regarding applications will be released in early December
VENDOR application information
Information regarding applications will be released in early December.
Please read the eligibility guidelines below, and feel free to reach out to the Market Manager with any questions. We’re happy to help you assess your eligibility before you apply.
am I eligible to apply for the bend farmers market?
Is my product a food product grown, produced, or collected in Oregon including but not limited to: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, nuts, flowers, plants, cheeses, seafood, poultry, and meats? (All prepared food products must be 100% made in Oregon and priority will be given to those with Oregon-grown ingredients.)
Is my product my own originally created, produced, or grown product? (i.e. NOT a resale product)
Is my product an agricultural product? (The Bend Farmers Market is an agricultural and food market and does NOT accept crafts or artisan goods.)
If selling a nursery product, are my plants propagated from plugs, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, or plant division and sold in standard, non-decorative nursery containers? (A nursery vendor may not sell a finished product purchased from another vendor.)
Does my product comply with all relevant federal, state, county, and local health regulations and licensing guidelines?
Have I read, and do I understand, the Bend Farmers Market Rules & Regulations?
if you answered yes to all of the questions above, we’d love to have you apply for the bend farmers market!
apply on manage my market
Manage My Market is an online tool for vendors and farmers markets.
Vendors create a company profile, which may be edited as needed.
Vendor products, availability, and optional descriptions are recorded.
Licenses, certificates, product photos, and other documentation may be uploaded. When vendors apply to markets in their area, their profile is submitted automatically, eliminating both paperwork and redundant effort.
Potential Vendor FAQ
No. Application fees are not refundable. Application fees help cover the costs of our on-line management/application tool. Please feel free to email the Market Manager at bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com with any questions you have about your eligibility or how much room we have left at the market before you pay the application fee.
Market fees for the 2024 season are $40 per 10X10 booth space per day. All tents must measure no more than 10X10 due to the market’s space constraints. Each additional 10X10 space occupied will pay an additional $40 per day.
Yes. If your operation has multiple locations - at least one needs to be producing in Oregon.
Mostly yes. The Bend Farmers Market currently allows vendors to sell up to 20% of their sales from another source. However, these sources must comply with our product standards outlined in the Rules and Regulations and must be pre-approved as any other product by the Board.
This is the preference of the market, and preference will be given to applicants using Oregon grown ingredients, however, products will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Currently, the market allows for some ready-to-eat foods to be sold, but our permit only allows for a limited number of stalls to have open flames, plates, burners, or BBQs. Please contact the Market Manager for more information before applying to sell food that would need to be cooked at the market so we can let you know if space is available.
No, these certifications are not required. However, any claims you make need to have supporting documentation uploaded to your account in Manage My Market.
Only if the purpose of the swag is to carry or transport food products (eg, branded reusable bags). The BFM is a food products market only. The sale of non-food related items such as hats, t-shirts and stickers is prohibited.
Yes. Vendors need insurance for both general liability (slip and trip insurance for your booth), and product liability (in case someone is injured by your product). Your license information must be uploaded to Manage My Market when you apply and kept up to date throughout the market season.
It depends on the type of product(s) you sell. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining any appropriate licenses you need to vend at the market.
Any product sold by weight must be weighed on a certified scale with a customer facing display. Scale inspectors occasionally drop by the market, so be prepared to welcome them to your booth.
Owner presence (whenever possible) is preferred and taken into account in the application review process, but is not required.
Maybe. Check in with the Market Manager to see if the product can be added to your offering.
Vendors must display the name of the operation, the location, and phone number. Signs must be legible, visible, securely attached to the booth or stall, and not impede pedestrian traffic.
The market opens the first week of May and stays open until the second week of October, which we recognize is longer than the typical Central Oregon growing season for many products. We want to offer each season’s bounty to shoppers at the market, but realize that not all farms will have products during these early and late market periods. For this reason, applications from farms who cannot bring products to the market the first two weeks of May and October will not be penalized in the application review process.
Please let the Market Manager know as soon as you can. You are still financially obligated to pay the booth fees during your absence. To ensure a cancellation request results in an excused absence you must provide 72-hour’s notice to the Market Manager. Cancellations less than 72-hours will result in an unexcused absence unless the absence is the result of a crisis or due to an extreme weather event. After 2 unexcused absences, vendors will be considered in poor standing. After 4 unexcused absences, vendors may be asked to forfeit their space and could be considered ineligible for the following season. If a vendor fails to show up on market day without informing the manager ahead of time the vendor will be fined $50 in addition to their booth fee.
No. Please contact the Market Manager if you cannot attend.
Only if this is approved by the Board. Please contact the Market Manager to start the approval process
They are not.
Market Day Vendor FAQ
We ask that single booth vendors pack in/out their booth materials and products. We have hand trucks at the information booth that we are happy to loan you. Larger vendors can apply for a specific time to drive into the alley between 8:30am - 9:30am on market days. Please contact the Market Manager to make arrangements.
The City of Bend allows vendors to park for free in specific parking lots spread throughout downtown Bend. Each vendor will be provided with a map of where they can park for free. Parking in the Mirror Pond (both North and South lots) is to be avoided as this is the primary parking area for our customers.
Individual booths may not exceed 10X10 dimensions. Vendors may apply for multiple booth spaces, but due to market permit restrictions, each booth/tent cannot extend more than 10 feet into the alley.
Maybe. Product sampling is regulated by the Deschutes County Health Department. Typically, samples must be individually portioned and distributed without direct contact to the product. Exact restrictions need to be established between the vendor and the Health Department.
You must wait until 11am to sell to customers, but vendors are allowed to sell to each other between 10:30am - 11am.
Nope. Please stay until the end of the market unless instructed otherwise by the Market Manager.
Yes! If there is a change to this policy due to an extreme weather or smoke event it will be communicated to you by the Market Manager.
Cash! Accept these as cash for any sale and the market will reimburse you at the end of every month. You may be eligible to accept other currencies depending on what you sell (e.g., SNAP/EBT/Veggie RX tokens, DUFB, Protein Perks!, etc.) Please review the BFM website for all currencies accepted at the market.
Yes, there is one BFM portable toilet available; however, there are no washing stations- so be prepared.